Talk by Atlantic Canadian Historian

The annual Atlantic Book Awards Festival kicks off next week and the Library is pleased to be a part of it PEI author John Cousins will be dropping by to talk about his latest work, New London: The Lost Dream, the Quaker Settlement on PEI’s North Shore 1773-1795 . This outstanding book has been shortlisted for the 2017 Democracy 250 Atlantic Book Award for Historical Writing. Here’s a description: “Island historian and folklorist John Cousins draws upon fresh sources and squeezes insight from existing diaries, to deliver this remarkable piece of Island history, little known until now. He recreates the life—and death—of New London and its Quaker settlers, complete with heroes and villains, hope and disenchantment, miscalculations and ill fortune, and provides this fascinating portrait of early British settlement on Prince Edward Island”. The event will be held this Wednesday, May 17 at 7:00 pm in Room LI135 (main floor of the library). Everyone is welcome. ...