More new books in the library!

They just keep coming and coming...

Women, men and language: a sociolinguistic account of gender differences
The dragons of Tiananmen: Beijing as a sacred city
Candy from strangers: kids and consumer culture
Accordion crimes (fiction, Annie Proulx)
State of war: the violent order of 14th cent. Japan
Scotland, the Caribbean and the Atlantic world, 1750-1820
Nation of rebels: why counterculture became consumer culture
Citizenship revisited: threats and opportunities of shifting boundaries
On beauty: a history of a Western idea
The Fire Ant Wars: nature, science, and public policy in twentieth-century America
The Sauropods: evolution and paleobiology
Knowing poverty: critical reflections on participatory research and policy
John the Painter: terrorist of the American Revolution
Philosophy 9/11: thinking about the war on terrorism
Guns and butter: the political economy of international security
Missing mom: a novel (Joyce Carol Oates)
Light, freedom and song: a cultural history of modern Irish writing
Sustainable energy consumption and society
Communicating as IT professionals
Analysis of financial statements
Dialogue and difference; feminisms challenge globalization
Engineering disasters: lessons to be learned

Othermindedness: the emergence of network culture

To find out more about any of these books, simply copy and paste the title into the Novanet catalogue.


Anonymous said…
Congrats on the blog!

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