They're coming thick and fast...

Below are some of the latest new books added to the library's growing collection. A pretty impressive list-there are a lot of bright people doing great work out there.

As usual, to find out more info about any that you want, just copy and paste the title into the Novanet Catalogue.

Philosophy and friendship
Psychology of gender identity
The Handbook of evolutionary psychology
Islam between culture and politics
Christians and Muslims
Islam and politics in the contemporary world
The transformation of British life, 1950-2000
German scholars and ethnic cleansing, 1919-1945
Understanding the contemporary Middle East
Getting Haiti right this time
Tourism, religion and spiritual journeys
Geographies of globalization
Ethnicity, nationalism, and minority rights
Bridging research and policy in development
The Democratic Republic of Congo
Globalization for development
Helping people help themselves
Researching conflict in Africa
Understanding the European Union
Intercultural communication in the global workplace
Product design and development
Hello Kitty: the remarkable story of Sanrio and the billion dollar feline phenomenon
The results-driven manager
Emotion and reason in consumer behavior
Shop 'til you drop: consumer behavior and American culture
Canada and the cost of World War Il
Damned lies and statistics
Women's history in global perspective
Women on the verge of home
Geographies of girlhood
From revolution to revelation: generation X, popular memory, and cultural studies
Sustainability and cities
Evolving standards of decency
The morality of adoption
The crimes women commit
Changing images of law in film & television crime stories
Twentieth-century crime fiction
The Penelopiad - Margaret Atwood
What the dormouse said: how the sixties counterculture shaped the personal computer industry
The violent universe
Genesis: the scientific quest for life’s origin
On ancient wings: the Sandhill cranes of North America
Valuing ecosystem services
Handbook of urban insects and arachnids
The real roadrunner
Pushing the limits: new adventures in engineering
Successful fisheries management
An introduction to design engineering


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