Need something to read over the holidays?

The library's book collection is growing all the time. Below are some of the latest additions. If there is something here you think you would like to look at during your well-deserved break, simply copy and paste the title into the Novanet catalogue to find out more about it.

The course of recognition/ Ricoeur, Paul
Giving an account of oneself/ Butler, Judith
Why life speeds up as you get older: how memory shapes our past
Applications of nonverbal communication
Us and them: understanding your tribal mind/ Berreby, David
Basic instinct: the genesis of behaviour/ Blumberg, Mark
Gender, nature, and nurture/ Lippa, Rchard
Imagination and play in the electronic age/ Singer, Dorothy
Religion online: finding faith on the Internet/ Dawson, Lorne
Culturally-conscious worship/ Black, Kathy
The psychology of demonization: promoting acceptance and reducing conflict/ Alon, Nahi
Interacting with the dead: perspectives on mortuary archaeology for the new millennium/ Rakita, Gordon
Appropriated pasts: indigenous peoples and the colonial culture of archaeology/ Rodby, Judith
The Korean War in world history/ Stueck, William
All possible worlds: a history of geographical ideas/ Martin, Geoffrey
Going critical: the first North Korean nuclear crisis/ Wit, Joel
Journey into darkness: genocide in Rwanda/ Odom, Thomas
Illustrated atlas of the Himalayas
Extreme events in nature and society/ Albeverio, Sergio
The environment and science: social impact and integration/ Young, Christian
Challenged Earth: an overview of humanity’s stewardship of Earth/ Lin, Samuel
The state of the world's refugees 2006
Empires, nations, and natives: anthropology and state-making/ L’Estoile, Benoit de
Korea's democratization
The origins of the Cuban Revolution reconsidered/ Farber, Samuel
Managing urban futures: sustainability and urban growth in developing countries
Emerging capital markets in turmoil: bad luck or bad policy?/ Calvo, Guillermo
Manias, panics and crashes: a history of financial crises/ Kindleberger, Charles
Is war necessary for economic growth?: military procurement and technology development
Smart economics: commonsense answers to 50 questions about government, taxes, business, and households/ Walden, M
Researching customer satisfaction & loyalty/ Szwarc, Paul
Cyberactivism: online activism in theory and practice/ McCaughey, Martha
Women's history in global perspective/ Smith, Bonnie
Geographies of girlhood: identities in-between/ Bettis, Pamela
Children's friendships: the beginnings of intimacy/ Dunn, Judy
Children's human rights: progress and challenges for children worldwide/ Ensalaco, Mark
Babes in tomorrowland: Walt Disney and the making of the American child, 1930-1960
Love online: emotions on the Internet/ Ben-Ze’ev, Aharon
The death of feminism: what’s next in the struggle for women’s freedom/ Chesler, Phyllis
Are women human? and other international dialogues/ MacKinnon, Catharine
The U.S. women's movement in global perspective/ Banaszak, Lee Ann
Daughters of the bear: an anthology of Korean women’s stories/ Díez, Maite
Redesigning cities: principles, practice, implementation/ Barnett, Jonathan
The word on the street: homeless men in Las Vegas/ Borchard, Kurt
With respect for nature: living as part of the natural world/ Evans, Joseph
Inside the minds of mass murderers/ Ramsland, Katherine
Not monsters: analyzing the stories of child molesters/ Schultz, Pamela
Sharks in the desert: the founding fathers and current kings of Las Vegas/ Smith, John
Corporate scandals/ Gray, Kenneth
The global gun epidemic: from Saturday night specials to AK-47s/ Cukier, Wendy
Police women: life with the badge/ Wells, Sandra
Belfast and the Irish language/ De Brún, Fionntán
The elegiac cityscape: Propertius and the meaning of Roman monuments/ Welch, Tara
Memories of my melancholy whores/ García Márquez, Gabriel
A year in the life of William Shakespeare, 1599/ Shapiro, James
A long long way/ Barry, Sebastian
The story behind the story: 26 writers and how they work/ Turchi, Peter
The doryman/ Hanrahan, Maura
Woman in bronze: a novel/ Sileika, Antanas
Science and the building of a new Japan/ Low, Morris
Success strategies for women in science/ Pritchard, Peggy
Stalking the Riemann hypothesis: the quest to find the hidden law of prime numbers/ Rockmore, Daniel
The geometry of time/ Liebscher, Dierck-Ekkehard
The volcano adventure guide/ Lopes, Rosaly
Rare bird: pursuing the mystery of the marbled murrelet/ Mudd-Ruth, Maria
Mind hacks/ Stafford, Tom
Striper wars: an American fish story/ Russell, Dick
The grail bird: hot on the trail of the Ivory-billed woodpecker/ Gallagher, Tim

See you all in January!


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