Back to normal

Finally! The renovations to the third floor have been (almost) completed - and just in time for the start of the Fall term.

I have been so busy emptying shelves, carrying books, shifting journals and re-assembling shelves that I have not been able to provide regular progress reports as we moved through the process.

But we have managed to accomplish just about everything we had promised:

- New flooring throughout. We have replaced the original 32-year-old carpeting with a clean, quiet and environmentally-sensitive carpet tile that also looks great

- The book collection (PR4000-Z) has been moved to the beginning of the room so that it follows naturally from those on the second floor and re-oriented to visually separate it from the journal collection and to allow for light to flow through.

- The journal collection has been consolidated to better reflect the university's current research focus and to better complement our growing electronic offerings.

- Previously the floor housed only study carrels. Because so many of us enjoy soft, comfortable seating in which to read, we will be introducing armchairs throughout the space. We have added 12 for now, have 8 more on order and hope to add others in the future. Of course, there are still plenty of carrels as well.

- The overall footprint of the collections has been reduced. The space is now much more open, airy and bright.

We will be adding the finishing touches to the "new" third floor in the coming weeks. The oversize book collection will be arranged along the cinder block wall and perhaps some side tables and plants will be brought in to dress it up.

We hope you all enjoy the changes we have made. As I mentioned previously, we will be upgrading other parts of the library over the next few years. If you have comments on what we have done so far or any suggestions on what you would like to see in the future, please let us know.


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