New Books, and More New Books

There really is "something for everyone" here:


Critical thinking in psychology / edited by Robert J. Sternberg, Henry J. Roediger

Philosophy in the modern world Anthony Kenny

Philosophy of Edith Stein / Antonio Calcagno

Common Sense: its history, method, and applicability / Marion Ledwig

Introduction to facet theory: content design and intrinsic data analysis in behavioral research / Samuel Shye

The self awakened: pragmatism unbound / Roberto Mangabeira Unger

Preferences and well-being / Serena Olsaretti

Seeing red: a study in consciousness / Nicholas Humphrey

Privileged access: philosophical accounts of self-knowledge / Brie Gertler

Schiller as philosopher: a re-examination / Frederick Beiser

The abusive personality: violence and control in intimate relationships / Donald G. Dutton

In the room with men: a casebook of therapeutic change / Matt Englar-Carlson


The serpent's gift: gnostic reflections on the study of religion / Jeffrey J. Kripal

Everyday religion: observing modern religious lives / edited by Nancy T. Ammerman

Passing on the faith: transforming traditions for the next generation of Jews, Christians, and Muslims / edited by James L. Heft

The gods of the Celts / Miranda Green

Marcion and Luke-Acts: a defining struggle / Joseph B. Tyson

A woman’s place: house churches in earliest Christianity / Carolyn Osiek

Head, eyes, flesh and blood: giving away the body in Indian Buddhist literature / Reiko Ohnuma


The World War I reader: primary and secondary sources / edited by Michael S. Neiberg

Blood & roses: the Paston family in the fifteenth century / Helen Castor

Hidden Ireland, public sphere / Joep Leerssen

Growing up Palestinian: Israeli occupation and the Intifada generation / Laetitia Bucaille

On the rez / Ian Frazier

Feeding the ancestors: Tlingit carved horn spoons / Anne-Marie Victor-Howe ; foreword by Rosita Worl ; photographs by Hillel S. Burger

Environmental problem solving: a how-to guide / Jeffrey W. Hughes

Planning cities for the future: the successes and failures of urban economic strategies in Europe / Peter Karl Kresl

Sorrow Mountain: the journey of a Tibetan warrior nun / Ani Pachen

Day of the barbarians: the battle that led to the fall of the Roman Empire / Alessandro Barbero

Environmental role of wetlands in headwaters / Josef Krecek

Car sick: solutions for our car-addicted culture / Lynn Sloman


Neither angels nor demons: women, crime, and victimization / Kathleen J. Ferraro

Scapegoats of September 11th: hate crimes & state crimes in the war on terror / Michael Welch

Intimate partner violence: reflections on experience, theory and policy / edited by Mary Rucklos Hampton and Nikki Gerrard ; with an introduction by Sharon Butala

Money laundering in Canada: chasing dirty and dangerous dollars / Margaret E. Beare and Stephen Schneider

Crime and family: selected essays of Joan McCord / edited and with a foreword by Geoffrey Sayre-McCord ; with an introduction by David P. Farrington

BITCHfest: ten years of cultural criticism from the pages of Bitch magazine / edited by Lisa Jervis and Andi Zeisler

Lessons from Mount Kilimanjaro: schooling, community, and gender in East Africa / Amy Stambach

Drugs and drug policy: the control of consciousness alteration / Clayton J. Mosher

Criminal profiling: developing an effective science and practice / Scotia J. Hicks

Sleeping Rough in Port-au-Prince: an ethnography of street children and violence in Haiti / J. Christopher Kovats-Bernat

Women & Gender Studies

A woman's place is in the boardroom / Peninah Thomson and Jacey Graham, with Tom Lloyd

On the picket line : strategies of working-class women during the Depression / Mary E. Triece

International handbook of women and small business entrepreneurship / edited by Sandra L. Fielden and Marilyn J. Davidson

Africa after gender? / edited by Catherine M. Cole, Takyiwaa Manuh, and Stephan F. Miescher

Participation and protest: women and politics in a global world / Sarah L. Henderson, Alana S. Jeydel

Women in power: world leaders since 1960 / Gunhild Hoogensen and Bruce O. Solheim ; foreword by Kim Campbell.

Feminisms in development: contradictions, contestations and challenges / Andrea Cornwall, Elizabeth Harrison & Ann Whitehead, editors

Between women: friendship, desire, and marriage in Victorian England / Sharon Marcus

Writing women's worlds: Bedouin stories / Lila Abu-Lughod

International Development Studies

Fair future: resource conflicts, security and global justice : a report of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy / edited by Wolfgang Sachs and Tilman Santarius ; translated by Patrick Camiller

Escape from empire: the developing world's journey through heaven and hell / Alice H. Amsden

Violence, conflict, and world order : critical conversations on state-sanctioned justice / Gregg Barak [editor]

Latin America’s political economy of the possible : beyond good revolutionaries and free-marketeers / Javier Santiso

Political Science

Canadian democracy: an introduction / Stephen Brooks

Development, social justice, and civil society / Thomas J. Ward

Democracy and elections in Africa / Staffan I. Lindberg


Alpha dogs: how your small business can become a leader of the pack / Donna Fenn

Top man: how Philip Green built his high street empire / Stewart Lansley & Andy Forrester

Growing local value: how to build business partnerships that strengthen your community / Laury Hammel, Gun Denhart

The high-purpose company: the truly responsible--and highly profitable--firms that are changing business now / Christine Arena

Small giants: companies that choose to be great instead of big / Bo Burlingham

Ethical markets: growing the green economy / Hazel Henderson with Simran Sethi ; foreword by Hunter Lovins

Trade liberalization and India's informal economy / edited by Barbara Harriss-White and Anushree Sinha

Access pricing: theory and practice / edited by Ralf Dewenter and Justus Haucap

The Asian insider: unconventional wisdom for Asian business / Michael Backman

Working couples caring for children and aging parents: effects on work and well-being / by Margaret B. Neal and Leslie B. Hammer

How we compete: what companies around the world are doing to make it in today's global economy / Suzanne Berger and the MIT Industrial Performance Center

A survival guide for working with bad bosses : dealing with bullies, idiots, back-stabbers, and other managers from hell / Gini Graham Scott.

Handbook of financial analysis, forecasting, and modeling / Jae K. Shim, Joel G. Siegel

Conflicts of interest: corporate governance and financial markets / edited by Luc Thévenoz and Rashid Bahar

Talent force: a new manifesto for the human side of business / Rusty Rueff

Literature & Language

The theatricality of Greek tragedy: playing space and chorus / Graham Ley

The white castle: a novel / by Orhan Pamuk ; translated from the Turkish by Victoria Holbrook

Falling in love: stories from Ming China / translated by Patrick Hanan

Here's looking at you: Hollywood, film & politics / Ernest Giglio

Nobody better, better than nobody / Ian Frazier

Never marry a woman with big feet: women in proverbs from around the world / Mineke Schipper

Approaching Apocalypse: unveiling Revelation in Victorian writing / Kevin Mills

Lost causes: historical consciousness in Victorian literature / Jason B. Jones

Romanticism and the rise of the mass public / Andrew Franta

Cambridge companion to Henry Fielding / Claude Rawson

Shylock is Shakespeare / Kenneth Gross

William Wordsworth's The prelude: a casebook / edited by Stephen Gill

Innocence in Graham Greene's novels / Shoko Miyano

The land of spices /: with an introduction by Clare Boylan. / Kate O'Brien

Like a fiery elephant: the story of B.S. Johnson / Jonathan Coe

Horse latitudes / Paul Muldoon

The golden compass / Philip Pullman

The Harmony Silk Factory / Tash Aw

Catch yourself on / Katherine Cowan

Dreams of speaking / Gail Jones

Deans and truants: race and realism in African American literature / Gene Andrew Jarrett

H.P. Lovecraft : against the world, against life / by Michel Houellebecq ; translated from the French by Dorna Khazeni ; with an introduction by Stephen King

Raymond Carver's short fiction in the history of black humor / Jingqiong Zhou

At the same time: essays and speeches / Susan Sontag ; edited by Paolo Dilonardo and Anne Jump ; foreword by David Rieff

Counting crows / written and illustrated by Jenni Blackmore

Out of my skin: a novel / Tessa McWatt

Conductor of waves: stories / Darcy Rhyno

The new sufferings of young W.: a novel / Ulrich Plenzdorf ; translated by Kenneth P. Wilcox

The persecution and assassination of Jean-Paul Marat : as performed by the inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the direction of the Marquis de Sade / a play by Peter Weiss ; English version by Geoffrey Skelton ; verse adaptation by Adrian Mitchell ; introduction by Peter Brook

Colorblind Shakespeare: new perspectives on race and performance / Ayanna Thompson


Scientists and scoundrels: a book of hoaxes / Robert Silverberg

Easy Linux commands: working examples of Linux command syntax / Jon Emmons, Terry Clark

Introducing Microsoft Windows Vista / William R. Stanek

The calculus: a genetic approach / Otto Toeplitz ; new foreword by David M. Bressoud

The trouble with physics: the rise of string theory, the fall of a science, and what comes next / Lee Smolin

Unstoppable global warming: every 1,500 years / S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery

Patagonian Mesozoic reptiles / edited by Zulma Gasparini, Leonardo Salgado

Atlantic shorelines: natural history and ecology / Mark D. Bertness

Living with Darwin: evolution, design, and the future of faith / Philip Kitcher

Descartes' error: emotion, reason, and the human brain / Antonio R. Damasio

Semantic-based visual information retrieval / Yu-Jin Zhang

Closer to truth Science, Meaning, and the Future / Robert Lawrence Kuhn

Microsoft Windows Vista: visual quick tips / Paul McFedries

Altruism equation: seven scientists search for the origins of goodness / Lee Alan Dugatkin


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