Atrium update
Construction of the Atrium is full speed ahead. And the coming week will see (and hear) an acceleration of the preliminary work in the area just outside the north end of the Library. This work will most certainly raise the noise levels in the much-favoured Reference Room. Here is the "official" announcement/warning:
Starting Monday, July 14th, there will be extensive construction noise in this area. Paving blocks and their base will be jackhammered out of the ground.
The noise will be of intense but short duration. You may wish to find a more quiet place to study on the third floor.
A small number of portable laptop computers can be borrowed from the Circulation Desk.
Of course, for the foreseeable future, access to the library is going to be compromised (see diagram above). You will have to enter via McNally. Which means that if you are coming from Robie Street, use the McNally North door at the end of the Science parking lot. If you are coming from the other side of the campus (Inglis Street, Tower Road, Loyola) come through the McNally East doors.
So there you have it - the Summer of '08! But as I've said once (and I'll be saying it many more times I'm sure), it will all be worthwhile in the end...