Another successful survey...

Our survey closed on Friday and we just wanted to thank all those of you (1,144 to be exact) who took the time to complete it. The response from the Saint Mary's community was, once again, very gratifying.

Of course, now the real work begins. In the coming weeks and months we will be analyzing the data from the questionaire and considering the written comments which many of you opted to include. And we'll be putting it all together to figure out how to best meet your information and research needs.

The timing was right for this survey. The Atrium Project, still plugging along outside our doors, will dictate some fairly fundamental physical changes to the Library (how about a new entrance and new, relocated Reference, Circulation and Services Plus desks for starters-even new washrooms!). On the virtual side, we will be launching an entirely new library web site in the not too distant future (a preview will be available to you for your feedback). Plus, we are still adding to our lengthy list of journal and e-book databases (about 70 the last time I looked).

So, all in all, it's a time of change at the Library and the survey will play a big part in determining those changes. And whatever happens, you'll be the first to know.


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