Reno Update

Have you been to the library lately? A lot can happen in a few weeks. So, here's where we are circa May 12:

  1. Remember the entrance to the Library? Well it's no longer the entrance to the Library! Because of the modifications dictated by the Atrium project, a temporary door has been installed in the Reference Room. So, for the rest of the summer, you can only enter the library from the quad (that's the green area bound by the Student Centre, Burke Building and the library. In other words, if you were leaving the SUB you would be looking right at it.
  2. The book drop has also been relocated, near and to the left of the new entrance.
  3. The Reference Room is, how should I put it, "under construction". All of the books and indexes, etc. in the reference collection are gone (to their temporary home in the reserve reading room). One entire corner has been walled-off. About half of the computers have been mothballed (but there are still a few dozen accessible). And the reference desk has been turned 180 degrees. All in all, not a pretty sight (or site) but it still works and I just checked and there are plenty of students out there as we speak.
  4. The old Circulation Desk is also a victim of the renovations (it was time for a change anyway). Books can be borrowed or returned at the Services Plus desk.

So, sorry again for the mess. But remember that it's just for a few months. And come September (fingers crossed) we'll be able to unveil our nice new service desks, flooring and furniture and you'll know it was all worthwhile.


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