Nylon, Interview, Esquire, Rolling Stone...

Or perhaps your taste runs more to The Walrus, Maisonneuve, Film Comment or Wired. Whatever magazines you like to read in your spare time (yeah, I know, what spare time?), you can now find a lot of them in the library.

We've started a bunch of new subscriptions this year (including all of the above) to go along with the old favourites (Time, MacLeans, National Geographic, etc.). You can find them, and many more, in what was, until recently, the library's lobby (everybody but first years know where I mean). Come into the library, go through the glass doors in the far right corner and you'll walk right into them. Well, actually, you'll walk right into shelves of newspapers. But keep on going. Persevere. Eventually you'll hit a tall grey display unit full of the latest issues of about 80 of the most popular magazines around. Maybe you'll discover one you didn't know about.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to drag you away from your academic pursuits. But nobody can study all the time...


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