Getting Your ID

Check the mirror, fix your hair and say "cheese". If you're a new student, you'll need a new ID. Your official university ID card is an important little document. In addition to being your library card, you'll need it for a whole lot of things - to get your U-Pass, admission to varsity sports events, discounts at local retail outlets, banks offering reduced rates to students, travel deals and if you're 19 or older...

Normally, we produce the cards here in the library. But because there will be a few thousand of you arriving this week, we've moved the operation, temporarily, to the Conference Hall on the second floor of Loyola. Here's the schedule:

Tuesday, August 31 - Friday, September 3
Saturday, Sept. 4 - Monday, Sept. 6
Tuesday, Sept. 7 - Friday, Sept. 10

After that, you'll still be able to get your card - at the ID Centre in the library, during our regular hours of Monday-Friday, 10:00am-2:00pm.

A reminder to returning students that you don't need a new ID. But you should get your old one updated for this year at the Circulation Desk (the one facing you as you enter the library).

I think that just about covers it.


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