Sorry about the Noise

The main floor renovations are coming along. That's the good news. The bad news (and you don't need to be told this if you've visited the library the past few days) is that RENOS=NOISE.

Yesterday afternoon was particularly difficult - with all kinds of drilling, hammering and general construction-related noises. We apologize profusely. And we hate it as much as you do. But unfortunately there's not a whole lot that can be done about it (at least the 2nd and 3rd floors are quiet).

When confronted with this very un-library environment, some of you (and some of us) have wondered, quite naturally, why this disruption couldn't have waited until a less busy time of year (say, July). The problem is that this work, like much of the other recent campus improvements, is being funded by Government of Canada infrastructure renewal money. Which means that the work is supposed to meet a March 31 completion deadline. And which is why it can't be put off until the library isn't full of students trying to get as much done as possible before next week's study break.

So, fingers crossed, all the disruption and noise will be a distant memory once end-of-term exams roll around. And the new furniture, flooring, washrooms and study rooms will look great. But in the meantime...


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