ID Hours

It's that time of year! A new batch of incoming students is careening around the corner and they're all going to need an ID card. And not just any old card. The official Saint Mary's "get into football games, get your bus pass, check out library books, I'm now a real university student" card.

And where and when can you acquire such a hallowed piece of identification? It goes like this:

August 25 - noon August 30: in the Library ID office (closed Sat. & Sun.)
August 31 - September 2 10am-4pm: at the Service Expo, Loyola 290
September 3-5 11am-3:30pm: at the Service Expo, Loyola 290
September 6-7 5 10am-4:30pm: at the Service Expo, Loyola 290
September 7 7pm-9pm: back in the Library
September 8 10am-9pm: Library
September 9 10am-5pm: Library
September 10> regular ID office hours resume

That should just about cover it. But if you have any questions related to the wonderful world of IDs, just call the Circulation Desk at 420-5547.


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