The Study Rooms are for Students

Not library staff. We made sure they were included when the building was renovated. We talked about how big they should be, how students would use them, the kind of furniture they should include. We designed them. For students. So they could work on group projects together or just study together. We have 9 of them, they're pretty nice and they're pretty popular.

Which is why we're so disappointed that, for the second weekend in a row, one of the study rooms got trashed. Yeah, I know. Hard to believe. Cups of coffee deliberately spilled over the table, bottles and wrappers everywhere, chairs put on shelves, gouges in the walls. I've seen the photos.

When the study rooms haven't been booked by anyone we leave them open for groups of students to use. Because we trust them, that they are mature, responsible adults. Apparently some aren't.

We don't want to adopt more restrictive policies for using the study rooms. We'll see. But our cleaning staff have enough work to do as it is. Maybe it won't happen again...


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