Undergrads & Technology Survey

Saint Mary's is part of a group of universities in the U.S. and Canada which is trying to find out how undergraduate students interact with information technology: what kind they use, how they use it and how often. Desktop, laptop or smart phone? Do you use Blackboard? How do you use the library's web site? Wish your profs used technology more?

These are the kinds of questions to be found in a new online, anonymous, "no more than 15 minutes" survey our undergrads are being asked to complete. If you are an undergrad you should have received your invitation and a link to the survey by now (check your e-mail!).

This feedback will go a long way towards shaping the kinds of information technology provided on our campus in the coming years. Which is why I'm urging you to take the time to participate.

The Saint Mary's part of the survey is being run by ITSS, the Library and CAID (Centre for Academic and Instructional Development) so if you have any questions get in touch with perry.sisk@smu.ca or peter.webster@smu.ca or carol.roderick@smu.ca.


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