Doug Vaisey Retiring

After 39 years of wonderful public service, Doug Vaisey will be retiring as head of the Library’s Reference Department next week. 

Doug joined Saint Mary’s shortly after graduating from Dalhousie’s Library School.  It wasn’t long before he was helping plan the move to the newly constructed Patrick Power Library. 

As the library grew, so did the Reference Department.  Under Doug’s leadership, it quickly developed its reputation for unparalleled reference service and dedication to the Saint Mary’s research community, a reputation it maintains to this day.  Doug didn’t just preach the importance of great service, he served as its model, whether helping a struggling student with their first paper or a graduate student with the most challenging research needs. Countless Saint Mary’s students, past and present, got better grades because of his involvement.  And countless library school students and library staff were the beneficiaries of his rigorous training, encyclopedic knowledge and enthusiasm for reference work.

Doug will leave quite a void in the life of the Patrick Power Library.  Indeed, it is hard to imagine it without him.  That he will enjoy his retirement is the sincerest wish of all those who have worked with him over the years.

Saint Mary’s University will be hosting a reception to mark Doug’s retirement and to express its appreciation for all that he has accomplished.  It will be held this Wednesday, June 27 from 3:00-5:00 in the classroom on the first floor of the Library.


Anonymous said…
Best wishes, Doug. You will be missed!

-Craig Olsvik
Unknown said…
Happy Retirement Doug! Thank you sooooo much for your mentoring while I was @ SMU!!
Unknown said…
Yes, happy retirement Doug - thank you for your help and effort. You will truly be missed.

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