Study Room booking now online

We've changed the way our (extremely popular) group study rooms are managed.  The process has just been automated so that students can reserve a room in advance via the Library's web site. 

You can find the link in the "How do I?" list on our homepage or just go HERE

The procedure is fairly straightforward.  But there's one thing you should know - the Barcode is that long number on your student ID card (2198xxxxx) and the Password is the last 4 digits of your phone number.  If you do need help, you can always phone 420-5547 or drop by the Circulation Desk.  The previous terms of use are still in place.

Because these rooms offer a quiet, separate space for groups to work on projects together, students really like them (I just walked through the building and all 9 of them were in use).  So take advantage of the new booking system if you want to make sure your group has a room when they need it.


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