Stay "Up All Night"

This coming Wednesday, April 3 we're going to try something a little different - we're going to stay open around the clock.  The very first "Up All Night" is going to bring together the services of the Writing Centre, the Library, the CAT Lab and other groups on campus. 

We'll be providing help with writing and research, studying and exam writing, even stress management.  And we'll be doing it all night long.  Starting at 10pm and continuing until 8 o'clock Thursday morning.  There will also be activities (yoga anyone?) and food to help keep you going.

More information is available at the Writing Centre's site. Or you can call 491-6202 or 420-5544. If you're going to be up anyway, why not do it at the Library? With other Saint Mary's students. With people who can help.  See you Wednesday night.


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