Extended Hours Beginning

It's hard to believe but the end of the term is only a few weeks away.  For university students, that can only mean one thing: exams.  Make that two things: the Library's open longer.

Starting this weekend, and continuing until the end of exams on December 8, we won't close until  1:00am.  Every night.  And on Saturdays and Sundays we'll open earlier than usual too.

Here's what our hours look like for the foreseeable future:

November 12 - 17 
Monday - Friday  8:00am-11:00pm
Saturday 10:00am-1:00am
Sunday  10:00am-1:00am

November 18 - Dec. 8
Monday - Saturday 8:00am-1:00am
Sunday  10:00am-1:00am

So good luck on your exams, your papers or any other final assignments you may have to handle before the break.  You'll make it!


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