Acadia Joins Novanet

For some reason, lost in the mists of time, Acadia was the only university or college in our province which did not belong to Novanet (Nova Scotia library network).  All of the metro schools, those further afield like StFX and CBU, all the community colleges, were all part of it.  But not Acadia.  Well that has (finally) changed.

For the past week or so a lot of cataloguers and IT folks have been busy adding the valley school's records to the Novanet catalogue.  They are now full-fledged members and they (and us) will start to see the benefits of that right away.

Apparently Acadia's great library had tens of thousands of books not owned by any of the Novanet libraries.  So all of them, and their entire collection, will now show up when you search the catalogue.  Of course, they will also be available for borrowing via Novanet Express (free, about 3 days to arrive).  And I'm sure Acadia faculty and students will appreciate the fact that the research resources available to them has suddenly increased dramatically.  It's a win-win for everyone.
So welcome Acadia.  Glad you could join us.


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