Extended Hours Begin

It's that time again.  A quiet desperation pervades our campus as students brace themselves for the challenges ahead.  Last-minute research to do, assignments to wrap up and then, when you're finished all of that, there's.... exams.

Yes, a student's lot is not an easy one.  And there's not a whole lot the Library can do to ease the burden.  But we can offer to help you find those articles, books, whatever you need to perfect that term paper. We can provide a great variety of study spaces to suit your particular study habits.
And we can also increase the number of hours we're open...

So, with that in mind, beginning this weekend and continuing until April 17, we won't close until 1:00am.  Every night.  Three floors of people doing the same thing, sharing the same fate.  Looking for an edge.  Once exams kick into high gear we'll open earlier on weekends too. Just check our homepage for the current hours.

Just a few...more...weeks and you can relax.  You'll be fine.


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