One Book Nova Scotia Event with Darren Greer

The Library is pleased to be hosting a very special event this week.
Halifax writer Darren Greer will be here to talk about his latest book, Just Beneath My Skin, this year’s selection for One Book Nova Scotia, a province-wide collective of university and public libraries which encourages readers to experience the same book at the same time.

The novel is a portrait of growing up in small town Nova Scotia and has been described as “Gritty, unrelenting, yet peppered with Darren Greer’s trademark poignancy, Just Beneath My Skin is the work of an author at the height of his game”.

Here are the details:

Time: Friday, October 30 at 2 o’clock

Location: Room LI135, Patrick Power Library (main floor)

Saint Mary's folks and community members are all welcome.


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