"25,000 Tuques" for Refugees

This library, along with the others in the Novanet system (which includes all of Nova Scotia's university and college libraries), has become part of an initiative to help welcome the refugees who will be coming to Canada over the next few months.

25,000 Tuques is the name of a group which started in Quebec and has spread to other parts of Canada, including this province. The idea is to encourage people to donate a tuque which they have made and include a personal greeting with it (translations available) .

The organization does not want anyone to buy hats or any other things. Nor do they want financial donations. There are lots of local and national organizations which would be more than happy to accept those kinds of gifts.  For all the details and a complete list of FAQs, visit their web site.

For information on the local scene, visit 25000 Tuques Nova Scotia's Facebook page. There is also a good article at the Halifax Metro web site.  And, of course, you can simply google “25000 tuques”.

If you would like to join in and help, there's a donation box and poster at the Circulation Desk near the library’s entrance.  Thanks a lot.


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