Food For Fines Back On

It's an annual tradition that helps a lot of people.

Food for Fines (the name says it all) is an initiative of all of the Novanet libraries.  Anyone who has outstanding overdue fines can have them reduced, or even eliminated, by donating to a very worthy cause.

Here's how it works:

  • Drop off non-perishable food at our circulation desk
  • For each item of food, the fine will be reduced by $3
  • So, for example, if you owe $20 in overdue fines, donate 7 items and your fines are considered paid
  • There's no limit - owe $50? 17 items will take care of it
  • All donations will go to the Saint Mary's Community Food Room which helps our students in need
The event starts today, February 8, and runs until the 28th.

Take advantage of it.


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