Library Hosting Service Expo

The Library is part of something special for new students this year. For the first time, we’ll be hosting the Service Expo – the one-stop centre for taking care of a lot of those important things that need taking care of . It’s all part of Welcome Weeks – a campus-wide introduction to all things Saint Mary’s – everything a new student needs to know and everything they need to get. Things like: Your SMU ID – it’s your official student picture ID and it will get you lots of local discounts as well as being your library card Activating your health plan – cause you never know… Signing up for your gym membership - yes, it’s free, so use it! Registering for your meal plan – cause you gotta eat, right? Local business es like cellphone and internet service providers and banks will be here on Friday, September 1 st in case you need them You can also join us for a campus tour so you’re not running around trying to find buildings and roo...