Library Hosting Service Expo

The Library is part of something special for new students this year.  For the first time, we’ll be hosting the Service Expo – the one-stop centre for taking care of a lot of those important things that need taking care of .

It’s all part of Welcome Weeks – a campus-wide introduction to all things Saint Mary’s – everything a new student needs to know and everything they need to get.   

 Things like: 

  • Your SMU ID – it’s your official student picture ID and it will get you lots of local discounts as well as being your library card
  • Activating your health plan – cause you never know…
  • Signing up for your gym membership - yes, it’s free, so use it!
  • Registering for your meal plan – cause you gotta eat, right?
  • Local businesses like cellphone and internet service providers and banks will be here on Friday, September 1st in case you need them

You can also join us for a campus tour so you’re not running around trying to find buildings and rooms that first morning of classes.

And if need help registering for classes, the Centre for New Students will be here and they would love to give you a hand.

So, when is all this happening?

The Service Expo will be held 10am-4pm every day beginning Thursday, August 31 thru to Wednesday, September 6. 

If you’re a new student, we’ll see you there!


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