Wrapping up October

It's been a busy month. We celebrated Mi'kmaw History Month, Canadian Library Month, and Open Access Week. We've hosted two Faculty Authors: Marc Doucet and Rohini Bannerjee. Activist and writer Desmond Cole stopped by the archives to check out the Lynn Jones African Canadian collection . We also hosted a Day of the Dead/Dia De Los Muertes altar courtesy of Erica Fisher and the Department of Modern Languages and Classics. The altar will be displayed until November 2, so there's still time to check it out! Halloween also came in with a bang! Several of our team members dressed in costume. We were treated to some delicious cookies thanks to Erica Fisher. She baked skull shaped sugar cookies for anyone to drop in and decorate. The event was a huge success! The room was lively, with faculty, staff, and students stopping by to decorate cookies. Check out some photos below. Some of the library team in costume A Day of the Dead costume and the Day of the Dea...