January's new titles

Some interesting stuff this month. Here are the newest books, hot off the press:

Bodies and souls, or spirited bodies? / Nancey Murphy
Crossing and dwelling: a theory of religion / Thomas A. Tweed
Contemporary varieties of religious experience: James's classic study in light of resiliency, temperament, and trauma / Lynn Bridgers; foreword by James W. Fowler
Dream catchers: how mainstream America discovered native spirituality / Philip Jenkins
Oba's story: Rastafari, purification, and power / by George D. Colman

Islam and liberty: the historical misunderstanding / Mohamed Charfi
Black church beginnings: the long-hidden realities of the first years / Henry H. Mitchell
How to read the Bible: history, prophecy, literature -- why modern readers need to know the difference, and what it means for faith today / Steven L. McKenzie

Red Hugh O'Donnell and the Nine Years War / Darren McGettigan
Sudan: the elusive quest for peace / Ruth Lyob, Gilbert M. Khadiagala
Native insurgencies and the genocidal impulse in the Americas / Nicholas A. Robins
The Confederation debates in the Province of Canada, 1865: a selection / edited by Peter B. Waite
The next world war: tribes, cities, nations, and ecological decline / Roy Woodbridge
First farmers: the origins of agricultural societies / Peter Bellwood
Box boats: how container ships changed the world / Brian J. Cudahy

Making meaning: how successful businesses deliver meaningful customer experiences / Steve Diller, Nathan Shedroff, Darrel Rhea
Social intelligence: the new science of success / Karl Albrecht
The dance of leadership: the art of leading in business, government, and society / by Robert B. Denhardt and Janet V. Denhardt

Caught in the crossfire: kids, politics, and America's future / Lawrence Grossberg
This land: the battle over sprawl and the future of America / Anthony Flint
Where soldiers fear to tread: at work in the fields of anarchy / John S. Burnett
The Irish policeman, 1822-1922: a life / Elizabeth Malcolm

Literature and Language:
Language evolution / edited by Morten H. Christiansen, Simon Kirby
Words, words, words / David Crystal
Floating clouds / Hayashi Fumiko; translated by Lane Dunlop
The sing-song girls of Shanghai / Han Bangqing; first translated by Eileen Chang; edited by Eva Hung
Theater and incarnation / Max Harris
Nature's panorama: Thoreau on the seasons / edited by Ronald A. Bosco
Mockingbird: a portrait of Harper Lee / Charles J. Shields
Terrorist / John Updike
Les années 80 dans ma vieille Ford / Dany Laferrière

Preserving the living past: John C. Merriam's legacy in the state and national parks / Stephen R. Mark
Extinction: how life on earth nearly ended 250 million years ago / Douglas H. Erwin
Full house: the spread of excellence from Plato to Darwin / Stephen Jay Gould
A dictionary of zoology / edited by Michael Allaby
Sleepfaring: a journey through the science of sleep / Jim Horne
Closing the commons: Norwegian fisheries from open access to private property / Bjørn Hersoug
Return to the river: restoring salmon to the Columbia River / edited by Richard N. Williams
How invention begins: echoes of old voices in the rise of new machines / John H. Lienhard
When the rivers run dry: water, the defining crisis of the twenty-first century / Fred Pearce
Tears of the tree: the story of rubber-a modern marvel / John Loadman

Happy Reading!


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