Summer (I mean Spring!) Reading

Need something good to read? Here are some of the books recently added to the Library's collection:


The philosophy of enchantment: studies in folktale, cultural criticism, and anthropology /
R.G. Collingwood; edited by David Boucher, Wendy James, and Philip Smallwood
Spinoza's book of life: freedom and redemption in the ethics / Steven B. Smith
Subjectivity and selfhood: investigating the first-person perspective / Dan Zahavi
Understanding people: normativity and rationalizing explanation / Alan Millar
An argument for mind / Jerome Kagan
On determinism and freedom / Ted Honderich
Mourning and modernity: essays in the psychoanalysis of contemporary society / Isaac
D. Balbus
Moral skepticisms / Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
This changes everything: the relational revolution in psychology / Christina Robb


Authentic fakes: religion and American popular culture / David Chidester
Thinking through myths: philosophical perspectives / edited by Kevin Schilbrack
Black magic: religion and the African American conjuring tradition / Yvonne P. Chireau
The Spirit set me free: true stories of faith by prisoners / [compiled by] Frederick A.


Leaves from an autumn of emergencies: selections from the wartime diaries of ordinary
Japanese / Samuel Hideo Yamashita
A hundred horizons: the Indian Ocean in the age of global empire / Sugata Bose
Ireland and the Palestine Question 1948-2004 / Rory Miller
Box boats: how container ships changed the world / Brian Cudahy
Maritime customs annual returns and reports of Taiwan, 1867-1895, volume 2
Pirates in paradise: a modern history of Southeast Asia's maritime marauders / Stefan
Escape from impasse: the decision to open Japan / Mitani Hiroshi; translated by David
Noble; edited by Nihon Rekishi Gakkai (Japan Historical Association)
Folsom: new archaeological investigations of a classic Paleoindian bison kill / David J.
Meltzer; with contributions by Meena Balakrishnan ... [et al.]
The divided ground: Indians, settlers, and the northern borderland of the American
Revolution / Alan Taylor
Strabo's cultural geography: the making of a kolossourgia / edited by Daniela Dueck,
Hugh Lindsay and Sarah Pothecary
Understanding the environment: bridging the disciplinary divides / R. Quentin Grafton,
Libby Robin, Robert J. Wasson, editors
Capitalscapes: folding screens and political imagination in late medieval Kyoto / Matthew

Political Science

Making American foreign policy / Ole R. Holsti
Crisis in North Korea: the failure of de-Stalinization, 1956 / Andrei Lankov
Where soldiers fear to tread: at work in the fields of anarchy / John Burnett
Making enemies: humiliation and international conflict / Evelin Lindner
Legitimacy in international society / Ian Clark
The liberal conscience: politics and principle in a world of religious pluralism / Lucas
Thomas Paine and the literature of revolution / Edward Larkin
Earthly powers: the clash of religion and politics in Europe from the French Revolution to
the Great War / Michael Burleigh


Goth's dark empire / Carol Siegel
Muslim youth: tensions and transitions in Tajikistan / Colette Harris
The war on truth: 9/11, disinformation, and the anatomy of terrorism / Nafeez Ahmed
Plato's fable: on the mortal condition in shadowy times / Joshua Mitchell
Punishment and inequality in America / Bruce western
Old Odessa: crime and civility in a city of thieves / Roshanna Sylvester

International Development Studies

Profit and poverty in rural Vietnam: winners and losers of a dismantled revolution / Rita
Liljeström ... [et al.]
The new United Nations: international organization in the twenty-first century / John
Allphin Moore, Jr., Jerry Pubantz
Fields of power, forests of discontent: culture, conservation and the state in Mexico /
Nora Haenn
AIDS and the ecology of poverty / Eileen Stillwaggon
The idea of Latin America / Walter D. Mignolo
Development after globalization: theory and practice for the embattled South in a new
imperial age / John S. Saul
Bitter harvest: the social transformation of Morelos, Mexico and the origins of the Zapista
Revolution, 1840-1910 / Paul Hart

Women’s Studies

This wild spirit: women in the Rocky Mountains of Canada / edited by Colleen Skidmore
Scientists and storytellers: feminist anthropologists and the construction of the American
Southwest / Catherine J. Lavender
The Canadian housewife: an affectionate history / by Rosemary Neering
Behind the silence: Chinese voices on abortion / Nie Jing-Bao.
Cut loose: (mostly) older women talk about the end of (mostly) long-term relationships /
edited by Nan Bauer-Maglin
Swooning beauty: a memoir of pleasure / Joanna Frueh
Voices of resistance: Muslim women on war, faith & sexuality / edited by Sarah Husain
Historical dictionary of feminist philosophy / Catherine Villanueva Gardner
Growing up female in Nazi Germany / Dagmar Reese; translated by William Templer
Tripping the prom queen: the truth about women and rivalry / Susan Shapiro Barash
Cinderella or cyberella?: empowering women in the knowledge society / Nancy J. Hafkin
and Sophia Huyer, editors
Jane Jacobs: urban visionary / Alice Sparberg Alexiou
Pin-up grrrls: feminism, sexuality, popular culture / Maria Elena Buszek
Redesigning women: television after the network era / Amanda D. Lotz


The college administrator’s survival guide / C. K. Gunsalus
The rise of Cass Business School: the journey to world-class: 1966 onwards / Allan
Leadership lessons from the ancient world: how learning from the past can win you the
future / Arthur Cotterell, Roger Lowe, Ian Shaw
Pension power: unions, pension funds and social investment in Canada / Isla Carmichael
Leading with questions: how leaders find the right solutions by knowing what to ask /
Michael Marquardt
A corporate solution to global poverty: how multinationals can help the poor and
invigorate their own legitimacy / George Lodge and Craig Wilson
Startups that work: the 10 critical factors that will make or break a new company /
The myth of work-life balance: the challenge of our time for men, women and societies /
Richenda Gambles, Suzan Lewis, and Rhona Rapoport
A closer examination of applicant faking behavior / edited by Richard L. Griffith and
Mitchell H. Peterson
Corruption in corporate America: who is responsible? : who will protect the public
interest? / Abraham L. Gitlow
The HR value proposition / Dave Ulrich, Wayne Brockbank

Literature and Language

Folktales retold: a critical overview of stories updated for children / Amie A. Doughty
Comic business: theatricality, dramatic technique, and performance contexts of
Aristophanic comedy / Martin Revermann
The monster that is history: history, violence, and fictional writing in twentieth-century
China / David Der-wei Wang
A guide to Irish fiction 1650-1900 / Rolf Loeber
Beyond grief and nothing: a reading of Don DeLillo / Joseph Dewey
The library at night / Alberto Manguel
Slow man / J.M. Coetzee
Edgar Allan Poe and the juke-box / Elizabeth Bishop


Open innovation: researching a new paradigm / Ed. By Henry Chesbrough
Changing our world: true stories of women engineers / Sybil Hatch
Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis: the quest to find the hidden law of prime numbers /
Dan Rockmore
When the rivers run dry: water-the defining crisis of the twenty-first century / Fred Pearce


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