Extended hours beginning Saturday

Every term the library extends its hours during the exam period to accomodate the studying crowds. We open earlier and close later (for early birds and night owls). Well this year we are taking it a step further. For the first time, the library will remain open until 1:00am - not just during exams but starting this weekend.

So those students currently working on end-of-term assignments or who will be cramming for morning exams in a few weeks will have a late-night place to go - a study hall to call their own. Here's the complete schedule:

November 20 (Saturday) 10am - 1am
November 21 (Sunday) noon - 1am
November 22 - December 17 Monday - Saturday 8am - 1am; Sunday 10am - 1am
December 18 (final day of exams) 10am - 7pm
December 19 CLOSED
December 20 -21 9am - 5pm
December 22 9am - noon
January 3 9am - 5pm

Something else you should know: from November 20 - December 1 the Circulation Desk (book checkout, print credits, etc.) will be open until midnight; from December 2 - 17 it will close at 11 o'clock.

And finally, because we always love to hear from you, please let us know at some point whether you like these later hours and whether you take advantage of them.


Anonymous said…
So awesome!! Thank you so much!!! I honestly appreciate you guys listening to our concerns as I have definitely voiced mine before over extended hours.
Anonymous said…
Ever since I've came to SMU, students have been begging for longer study hours and even more 24 hour study spaces. It's AMAZING to see that people are actually listening to our concerns and I know tons of people will benefit from this change :) Great job !!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Hour's are awesome thank you sooo much
Anonymous said…
Great idea... I'm sure many students will appreciate having a quiet, comfortable place to go that late! Now if only there was somewhere we could get a midnight cup of coffee...

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