Finally, a new New Books list

It's been a while since I posted a list of some of our newest books. So here they are (remember that if you see something you like, simply copy and paste the title into the Novanet catalogue to get the call number and determine its availability):


The know-it-all: one man's humble quest to become the smartest person in the world / A.J. Jacobs

Good and real: demystifying paradoxes from physics to ethics / Gary Drescher

Reshaping reason: toward a new philosophy / John McCumber

Spinoza’s book of life: freedom and redemption in the Ethics / Steven B. Smith

Educating the human brain / Michael Posner

Euclid in the rainforest: discovering universal truth in logic and math / Joseph Mazur

Plato’s fable: on the moral condition in shadowy times / Joshua Mitchell

Intricate ethics: rights, responsibilities and permissible harm / F.M. Kamm


The Oxford handbook of religion and science / Ed. by Philip Clayton

Church and state in Canada / Albert Menendez

A church divided: German Protestants confront the Nazi past / Matthew Hockenos

Pagodas, gods and spirits of Vietnam / Ann Unger

Women’s religious activity in the Roman Republic / Celia Shultz

Beyond toleration: the religious origins of American pluralism / Chris Beneke

Chinese steles: pre-Buddhist and Buddhist use of a symbolic from / Dorothy Wong


The medieval and early modern world: primary sources and reference volume / [compiled by] Donald R. Kelley and Bonnie G. Smith

The real chief: Liam Lynch / Meda Ryan

In search of the Trojan War / Michael Wood

Strabo’s cultural geography: the making of a Kolossourgia / Ed. by Daniela Dueck

Thailand's political history: from the fall of Ayutthaya in 1767 to recent times / B.J. Terwiel.

The rise, fall, and legacy of apartheid / P. Eric Louw

The Tay Son uprising; society and rebellion in Eighteenth-Century Vietnam / George Dutton

The lore of Ireland: an encyclopedia of myth, legend and romance / Daithi O hOgain

Escape from impasse: the decision to open Japan / Mitani Hiroshi

Subjects unto the same King: Indians, English and the contest for authority in colonial New England / Jenny Pulsipher

An imperial possession: Britain in the Roman Empire / David Mattingly


Don’t get too comfortable: the indignities of coach class and other First World problems / David Rakoff

The invention of pornography: obscenity and the origins of modernity, 1500-1800 / Ed. by Lynn Hunt

The challenge of affluence: self-control and well-being in the United States and Britain since 1950 / Avner Offer

A place to belong: community order and everyday space in Calvert, Newfoundland / Gerald Pocius

Delinquency, development and social policy / David Brandt

A great feast of light: growing up Irish in the television age / John Doyle

Taking stock: the status of criminological theory / Ed. by Francis Cullen

Think global, fear local: sex, violence and anxiety in contemporary Japan / David Leheny

From nature to experience: the American search for cultural authority / Roger Lundin

Rethinking substance abuse: what the science shows and what we should do about it / Ed. by William Miller

Women’s Studies

A New Orleans voudou priestess: the legend and reality of Marie Laveau / Carolyn Morrow Long

Hemingway and women: female critics and the female voice / Ed. by Lawrence Broer & Gloria Holland

Invisible shadows: a black woman's life in Nova Scotia / Verna Thomas

Scientists and storytellers: feminist anthropologists and the construction of the American Southwest / Catherine Lavender

Women and the politics of travel, 1870-1914 / Monica Arita Liljestromnderson

The women's century: a celebration of changing roles, 1900-2000 / Mary Turner

The flaming womb: repositioning women in early modern Southeast Asia / Barbara Andaya

International Development Studies

After the killing fields: lessons from the Cambodian genocide / Craig Etcheson

We are poor but so many: the story of self-employed women in India / Ela Bhatt

Leo Strauss and the politics of American empire / Anne Norton

The new rulers of the world / John Pilger

Profit and poverty in rural Vietnam: winners and losers of a dismantled revolution / Rita Liljestrom

How to spend $50 billion to make the world a better place / edited by Bjørn Lomborg

In Sierra Leone / Michael Jackson

Whispering in the giant's ear: a frontline chronicle from Bolivia's war on globalization / William Powers

Political Science

The American enemy: a story of French anti-Americanism / Philippe Roger; translated by Sharon Bowman

Ghost plane: the true story of the CIA torture program / Stephen Grey

Liberals: the history of the Liberal and Liberal Democrat parties / Roy Douglas

State of denial / Bob Woodward

Conversations on Russia: reform from Yeltsyn to Putin / Padma Desai

Twilight in the desert: the coming Saudi oil shock and the world economy / Matthew Simmons


The global leader: critical factors for creating the world class organization / Terence Brake

The long tail: why the future of business is selling less of more / Chris Anderson

Money makers; the stock market secrets of Britain’s top professional investors / Jonathan Davis
Cycles: how we will live, work, and buy / Maddy Dychtwald

Towards North American monetary union?: the politics and history of Canada's exchange rate regime / Eric Helleiner

Startups that work: the 10 critical factors that will make or break a new company / Joel Kurtzman

An introduction to the bond market / Patrick Brown

The undercover economist: exposing why the rich are rich, the poor are poor--and why you can never buy a decent used car! / Tim Harford

Globalization and organization: world society and organizational change / Ed. by Gili Drori

A corporate solution to global poverty: how multinationals can help the poor and invigorate their own legitimacy / George Lodge

Literature & Language

Analysing sociolinguistic variation / Sali A. Tagliamonte

The collected poems of Odysseus Elytis / translated by Jeffrey Carson and Nikos Sarris; introduction and notes by Jeffrey Carson

The poems of Catullus / translated, with commentary, by Peter Green

A literary history of women’s writing in Britain, 1660-1789 / Susan Staves

Action writing: Jack Kerouac’s wild form / Michael Hrebeniak

Lost for words: the mangling and manipulating of the English language / John Humphrys

How novels work / John Mullan

Ghost stories of the Maritimes / Vernon Oickle

Loud sparrows: contemporary Chinese short-shorts / Ed. by Aili Mu

Becoming strangers / Louise Dean

The din in the head: essays / Cynthia Ozick

Articles of faith: the collected Tablet journalism of Graham Greene / edited with an introduction by Ian Thomson

Grace and truth / Jennifer Johnston

A chance meeting: intertwined lives of American writers and artists / Rachel Cohen

Oh pure and radiant heart / Lydia Millet

Stranger than fiction: true stories / Chuck Palahniuk


The book nobody read: chasing the revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus / Owen Gingerich

Virus and the whale: exploring evolution in creatures small and large / Judy Diamond, editor; with Carl Zimmer ... [et al.]

Reading the rocks: the autobiography of the Earth / Marcia Bjornerud

Postmortem: how medical examiners explain suspicious deaths / Stefan Timmermans

The archaeology of disease / Charlotte Roberts

Murder 2: the second casebook of forensic detection / Colin Evans

Deep stall: the turbulent story of Boeing commercial airplanes / Philip K. Lawrence and David W. Thornton

Tsunami: the Newfoundland tidal wave disaster / Maura Hanrahan


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