Laptop Printing Here!

Those who like to bring their laptop to the library to take advantage of our wireless access (and there are lots of you) should be even happier.

Now when you are searching Novanet, or our journal databases, or writing those brilliant essays when you're sitting in those purple armchairs, you can conveniently print the results of all that hard work on the library's printers. Just go to for information on setting it all up, troubleshooting, etc. (it's not that complicated).

Because this is is a pilot project, it does not yet have full technical support and so far it seems to work better with Windows XP and Mac O/S than with Vista. But we're working on that.

If you have any questions, problems or suggestions, e-mail so that we can forward them to the appropriate tech people.

Like other campus printing, print credits will be charged against your "S" account (and don't worry, if the print job doesn't go thru, you won't lose the credits).



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