You're so glad to be back!

You're right - 4 months is a long time to live without the Library (I know you missed us - come on, admit it). But you're here -and we're here. It's just that getting here will be a bit of a challenge, given that bloody big...wait a minute. Sorry. I forgot, many of you have never been to the library - an 18 year old frosh from Cole Harbour or 24 year old grad student from Calgary is still figuring out where everything is.

The Patrick Power Library (Patrick, by the way, was a Halifax merchant who flourished-you have to make a lot of money for someone to say you flourished-in the 19th century) is that 3-storey building at the north end of McNally - the one that shines like a beacon of scholarly inspiration at night - o.k., the one with the bloody big hole in front. That hole, of course, will, over the next year, be transformed into a beautiful new atrium linking the Library, Science and Burke buildings. But, in the meantime, you'll have to navigate through McNally's corridors, past the Tim Horton's that's no longer there, to get to our wonderful study spaces, gigantic book collection, dozens of computers or friendly and helpful staff.

Speaking of us, maybe we didn't plant any trees in B.C. but we have been doing library kinds of stuff while you were gone (or getting ready to come here). We're always looking at ways of bringing you more and better resources, services and support and this summer was no different. But maybe I'll save that for my next post - give me a day or two. In the meantime, get unpacked, explore the campus and maybe downtown Halifax, enjoy the last day before the start of classes (and call your mother!).


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