As I was saying...

...the other day, there have been some big (well we think they're big) things happening around here since waaaay back in April.

Big Thing #1 - Back By Popular Demand are our Library Orientation Sessions. Beginning Monday, and for the next 2 weeks, we're offering you the chance to find out how to use the library and get the most out of it. Sessions only last about 1/2 hour and are scattered throughout the day, as follows:

Tuesday, Sept 9 11:30 1:00 and 5:00
Wednesday, Sept 10 11:30 1:00 and 5:00
Friday, Sept 12 11:30

Tuesday, Sept 16 11:30 1:00 and 5:00
Wednesday, Sept 17 11:30 1:00 and 5:00
Friday, Sept 19 11:30

You can sign up in advance (in the library) or just show up. You won't regret it (however, if you do regret it...I don't know, just chalk it up as one of many regrets you'll have in the course of your life, along with all those things you won't regret).

Big Thing #2 - We've got laptops! Ever wish you could sit in one of our comfy chairs and surf the Net at the same time? Well now you can , whether you own a laptop or not. We have 6 shiny new laptops that can be borrowed for 3 hours at a time (in library only, of course). So, the next time you book one of our group study rooms, book a laptop too.

Big Thing #3 - No, the study carels on the third floor weren't stolen (ever try lifting one of those things, let alone running with it?). They've just been sent to carel heaven to make room for about 80 spanking new ones which are a little late arriving. But they should be here, unpacked, and ready for your pleasure in a few weeks. In the meantime, there are, of course, plenty of spaces on the second floor and reference room (and don't forget the quiet reading room at the end of the main floor lobby).

Big Thing #4 - Does your heart beats a little faster every time you hear that the library has acquired another new journal database (you laugh but I've heard that a buzz goes through the Gorsebrook every time it happens), If so, you better brace yourself. Because we've added about half a dozen recently. Check out the ones on our journals page with the little blue "new" icon - some great stuff there, especially JSTOR.

Big Thing #5 (the last one) - We're about to launch a new library web site - that's new as in totally new: new colours, links, content, music (o.k. there's no music). It's not quite ready yet, but almost. Watch for it in the not too distant future. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions, ideas or things you're dying to see on the new site, let me know at

You can stop reading now.


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