Goodbye Papers, Hello Exams

The world (the academic world at least) is divided into 2 kinds of people: those who prefer writing papers over exams and those who prefer exams over papers. Both sides can make compelling arguments for their preferred mode of sweat and misery.
Of course, students have little (read:no) choice in how the relative quantity of these pleasures are determined by the faculty gods and every April finds university students everywhere fighting through their fated allotment of both.
But by mid-April most papers (or groups presentations or research projects or marketing surveys or theses) have been, for better or for worse, signed, sealed and delivered. It's exam time now - when every student (except perhaps for the very brilliant or the very delusioned) studies like mad to raise that A to an A+ (or that D to a C-, whichever shoe fits).
And where better to study than the Library? We're open from 8:00 in the morning until 11:00 at night from now until the last day of exams (except for Sunday when we open at 10:00). And we've got spaces for every kind of study "style" - some that allow quiet "consultation" and others that are positively crypt-like. If you are one of those dying breed who craves total silence, check out the Reading Room on the main floor. When you come into the library, hang a right and head for the door at the far end of the lobby.
But whatever the next few weeks hold, good luck and we'll see you (most of you) in September.


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