The Renovations have begun

Progress on the Atrium has reached the point where they are now ready to start connecting it to the Library. This means that a temporary entrance will need to be built, near the southeast corner of the Reference Room, while construction continues elsewhere. This also means that we will need to protect our computers from all the inevitable dust and debris.

Therefore, beginning this Monday, April 27, all of the computers in the Reference Room will be turned off, covered in plastic and unavailable.

This unfortunate, but unavoidable, disruption may last one week, maybe two. There will still be the 8 computers in the lobby and there are 2 on each of the second and third floors if you just want to check Novanet or the journal databases. But we are encouraging you to use the labs in McNally and Loyola.

If you have any questions about this, ask at the Reference desk. We know how popular the library's computers are, so hopefully the work will go smoothly and we can return them to you as soon as possible.


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