Taking Spring (or Summer) courses?

Many students use this time of year to chalk up a few credits. Summer school classes are smaller, they're short, there can be a real sense of comraderie (you have a common goal and you feel sorry for each other) and they can lighten the load for next year. Or maybe you just need that one...last...half...credit to graduate.

Whatever the reason, whatever the course, this is just a reminder that the library is here to help. We're open most nights till 9:00 and there is always someone at the Reference Desk ready and willing to work with you to find the very best research material for your assignments.

Remember, too, that many thousands of online journals and e-books can be accessed from our web site any where, any time. And if you need any help with these (or with any other issue/question/problem), you can always get in touch with us at research@smu.ca or 420-5544.

So good luck and enjoy! Those six weeks will just fly by...


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