How Was Your Summer?

Amazing? Dismal? Full of wonderful memories? Or filled with too many "I wish they had never invented Facebook?" kinds of memories? Too short (they all are)? Technically, summer still has a few weeks to run but students know it's over, no matter how warm the weather. September means just one thing and it has for most of your life.

So you're back in school (for your first year at Saint Mary's, or your second, or third, or fourth...). At least you've got company - students, faculty, staff - we're all in this together. And we all want the same thing: everyone to get nothing but "A's". Which, of course, you'll never get if you don't use...

The library is, as always, here to help. We've got all the resources, technology and expertise you could possibly want. All you have to do is drop by and ask. Or use our web site. You'll find out about our 400,000 books, our growing number of e-books, the 1000's of journals you can't get on Google. And you'll find out how to make it work for you. See you soon.


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