Sunday, November 21: computers down campus-wide

It is important that everyone be aware that, due to renovations in the McNally Building, the campus computer system and network services will be unavailable this Sunday. This shutdown will begin at 7:00am and last well into the evening. This is a complete IT service outage. Services which will be unavailable include:
  • Banner
  • SMUport
  • Blackboard
  • Library Databases (on and off campus)
  • Web sites
  • Network shares
  • Internet access
  • Wireless network
The outage includes the Library, Atrium, all computer labs, residences and faculty offices. In spite of this, the library will remain open. You will be able to study, get help from staff or borrow books. Please note that if you have a paper due on Monday the library does have 10 Word-enabled laptops which can be borrowed (3 hour loan).

Just a suggestion...but you may want to adjust your weekend schedule accordingly.


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