A reno update

I came to work yesterday and there was a giant orange wall running down the middle of my library. Fortunately, it is only made of wood and vinyl and it is very temporary. Let me explain...

Over the holiday break, the library's ongoing renovations kicked into a higher gear. While we were enjoying the time off, workers were busy demolishing the brick and glass wall which used to separate the Reference Room from the old lobby space. And while they were at it they took out a few offices too.

These, of course, are all part of the facelift which the main floor is about to undergo. In the coming weeks, the former lobby will get new flooring, new furniture, new washrooms and other improvements. Plus, the old Reserve Reading Room will be completely gutted and new group study rooms and an instruction lab installed.

Unfortunately, this means that, for the next few months, some previously-popular study areas, especially those conducive to group work, will be construction zones. We know this will be a challenge and an inconvenience and we are working with those "in charge" to minimize the disruptions as much as possible. And when the work is completed it will be a great space which we are certain students will love. But all we can do for now is ask for your patience...


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