We've gone Mobile

More and more people these days access the Web with a hand-held device (think iPhone, BlackBerry or any number of other smartphones). A quick walk around the Patrick Power Library will tell you that many SMU students use and love them.

But navigating a web site on a 3 inch screen can be a challenge. Which is why there have been "apps" developed for just about everything under the sun. And which is why the Library now offers 2 ways to access our electronic self.

You can use our familiar, trusty web site or you can try our new mobile version. It's available at http://library.smu.ca/mobile/ or just follow the "Mobile Access" link in the bottom left corner of the main site. You can search the catalogue and some of our most popular journal databases or get info on hours, contacts, document delivery and more. You can even read this blog!

We hope it's helpful. We hope it's handy. We hope it makes your life a little easier.


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