Who Doesn't Like New Books?
And there are lots of them. Even in this digital age, there is still a flood of new titles being published at any given time, on any given subject. Some of them end up at the Patrick Power Library. They're here to support the teaching/researching/writing/inspiring/thinking being done at Saint Mary's.
There are a few easy ways of discovering exactly what new books the library has. The most comfortable (and highly recommended) way is to drop by our brand new reading area on the main floor (pictured). Enjoy the comfy seating, surrounded by bookcases housing our latest acquisitions (and a great collection of popular magazines and newspapers too). There's even a fireplace, to make it feel cosy and scholarly. Every few weeks, the books will be moved upstairs and a new batch will take their place.
If, for some bizarre (or understandable) reason, you can't make it to the library in person, you can still find out "what's new". You can browse a new web page listing of some of our new books. Just go HERE. Titles are grouped by subject and each one is a "clickable" link to its catalogue record (for call number, status, etc.). Of course, if you find something you'd like to read (and you will), you'll have to come here to get it...
We've got new books, old books, lots of "somewhere between new and old" books. Summer's coming. They look great on the beach.