Food for Fines is here again

Every year around this time the Novanet libraries, including this one, give borrowers the opportunity to clear their overdue fines while also helping local food banks. The campaign is called Food for Fines and here's how it works:

For each non-perishable food item you donate, $2 will be deducted from any outstanding fines you may have (to a maximum of $20). So if, for example, you owe $16, just bring in 8 items and your slate will be wiped clean. Donations can be dropped off at the Circulation Desk at the Library's entrance (and of course you can make a donation even if you don't have any fines). They will then be given to the campus food bank to help Saint Mary's students And cash is also welcome.

This year's campaign runs from January 30 to February 10. So don't miss this chance to save some money (you'll have to pay off those fines some time) while contributing to a great cause.


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