Nice to see you back

The library's starting to fill up. Things are picking up where they left off.

But January is very different from December. You don't have the holidays. But you don't have exams or those big end-0f-term assignments either. Some 1/2 credit courses are over and done, already fading into memory, some are just getting started (new stuff to learn, new profs to learn from). And those loooong September all the way to April full credits? Well, at least you know what's in store. You know what you signed up for.

And remember, whatever the course, whatever the assignment, whether you're in the midst of your first year, or your last, we can help. Got a paper that won't write itself? Don't know where to find those journal articles your professor insists upon? Don't know what a journal article is? Go to the Library's Information Desk and just ask. That's what they're there for. It will make the term, and your life, a lot easier.

Hope you had a nice break.


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