About IDs (and Bus Passes)

Here's the latest:  As of today, and for the next week, new IDs will only be issued at the Student Services Expo, being held in the Loyola Conference Hall, L270. 

The Expo's hours are:

Today & Thursday, Aug.30  10am-4pm
Friday, Aug.31  10am-3pm
Saturday, Sept.1-Monday, Sept.3  11am-3pm
Tuesday, Sept.4-Wednesday, Sept.5  10am-4:30pm

What happens after that? If you still don't have your ID, come to the Library to get it.

And if you don't have your bus pass, you can pick up that too. When we bring our equipment back from the Expo, SMUSA will be coming back with us and issuing bus passes at the Circulation Desk (watch for directions)

And the hours for bus passes and IDs will be:

Wednesday, Sept.5  6pm-9pm
Thursday, Sept.6-Friday, Sept.7  10am-9pm
Saturday, Sept.8  10am-4pm

On Sunday, Sept. 9 our regular ID Office hours will resume:
Monday-Thursday  10am-2pm, 6pm-8pm
Friday  10am-2pm
Saturday 1pm-5pm
Sunday  3pm-7pm (request service at Circulation Desk)

One final note - remember that if you just need to update your existing ID card, you can get that done any time the Library's open (at the Circulation Desk, of course)


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