One Book Nova Scotia

The Patrick Power Library is excited about being part of a new province-wide initiative titled One Book Nova Scotia.  It is being organized by Libraries Nova Scotia, a consortium of university, college and public libraries, the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture & Heritage and the Writers Federation of Nova Scotia.  More information is available from the official web site.  

The idea is to get as many Nova Scotians as possible to share the experience of reading the same book.  This year’s selection is Twenty-Six by Leo McKay Jr., a novel based on the Westray mining disaster.  As one of the partner organizations, the Library is encouraging participation among as many Saint Mary's students, faculty and staff as possible.  In addition to our catalogued copy, we have 5 additional copies available to be borrowed.  Just ask at the Circulation Desk.  The book is also available at local independent and chain bookstores (and, of course, the usual online sources), in print and as an e-book.

The program runs until November 9 so there is plenty of time to read the book (many people have told me how much they enjoyed it).  In the coming weeks there will be lots of events around the province surrounding One Book Nova Scotia.  We'll use this blog to let you know what's happening on this campus.

So take a break from those books you have to read for school and read something for the sheer pleasure of it.  And know that thousands of Nova Scotians will be reading along with you!


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