We're On Pinterest!

You know what Pinterest is, right?  It's one of the most popular social media sites around.  It's basically just a place where people can share photos and information on their favourite "things" on the web: fashion, food, design, hobbies, music and....books.  Which is where we come in.

The Library has created it's very own Pinterest page to highlight the wonderful, often overlooked, books in our collection (you'll be surprised what we own).  Titles are grouped in categories like
  • Graphic Novels & Manga
  • Atlantic Canada novels
  • Banned or Challenged books
  • SMU Faculty Authors
  • From Book to Film
  • LGBT fiction
  • Popular Science
  • Biography & Memoir
But the best way to find out what's in there is to pay it a visit. And keep going back because we'll be adding new titles all the time (look for the Pinterest icon on the Library's homepage). If you see something you would like to read, just click the "smu.world.org" link below the book's image to get the call number and find out if it is in or not.

Like I said, you may be surprised what we own...


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