More Changes in the Library

It doesn't compare to the disruptions of a few summers ago, when the Atrium was being built, but it has not been quiet around here lately (and thanks to those who had to put up with the noise). But we're confident it will all be worthwhile.

There are a couple reasons for all the racket:

The most evident change is on the main floor, where the Reference collection has been reorganized.  Many of the books previously in the collection will be moved upstairs so that they are available to borrow.  What remains is the best and brightest encyclopedias, handbooks and other kinds of reference material.  And its visibility has been increased by having it reoriented and shifted closer to the library's entrance so that it will be among the students as they work - hopefully encouraging them to investigate the high quality information in these "non-Wikipedia" sources.

A by-product of that change is the creation of open space where we will be able to add more of those ever-popular study tables for which students have been pleading.

The other project entails the replacement of the old study carrels on the second floor. Once that is finished (and it will be finished by the start of the term), students will have nicer, newer and roomier spaces in which to work.

So, all in all, changes for the better. Which students will like. Just one more noisy week...


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