Food for Fines on again

Every year around this time the various libraries in the Novanet system come together for a good cause.  Food for Fines, as its name implies, allows those who have overdue books to bring in food donations  and, in return, have their fines reduced. 

Every non-perishable food item is worth $2 in fines (to a maximum of $50).  In other words, if you currently owe $14, just bring in 7 items worth about a dollar each and you'll save $7.  And all the food goes either to Feed Nova Scotia or the SMU Food Bank so a lot of people benefit.

This year's campaign runs a little longer than in the past, from February 17 and right through to March 9 so you have plenty of time.

Donations can be dropped off at the Circulation Desk, just inside the entrance.  Thanks in advance.


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