Goodbye Purple Chairs

Over the past few years, slowly but surely, most of the Library's furniture (tables, desks, study carrels, different kinds of chairs) have been replaced with nice, new shiny versions.  Most, not all. 

Those familiar, much-enjoyed purple armchairs have been aligned along the glass walls on the main floor, silently providing comfort to appreciative students (and  faculty and staff) for a few decades now.  But years of use and abuse have taken their toll, as is to be expected.

So they're going to be "retired" too.  Over the coming weeks we'll be buying about 40 new armchairs, which we hope will be enjoyed as much as the old ones.

Of course, chairs come in many shapes and sizes.  What ones are best for reading?  For resting?  For using a laptop?  To help us make a decision we've brought in some samples.  Look for them under the "We Want Your Input!" sign near the entrance.  Because we would also like your help.  Pick one, have a seat, see how it feels, try the others and then vote for your favourite!  Who knows, maybe everyone will like the same one.

In any case, come September, whichever one we go with, they're going to look great.  And feel great.


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